Here's our schedule. Nicole has him M,W,F. Karl S,S. I have the pleasure of Tuesday and Thursday. We all have different schedules, routines, ideas, and things we do with him, but we decided it would be fun to have theme weeks.
Let me re-phrase, I thought it would be fun to have theme weeks. Nicole sounded on board with things, Karl grunted. Hey we got a response!
So I spent a few evenings pinning, searching, and thinking.
B week was born. We decided we'd focus on letters he knows and uses and he's got B down.

They also made a fun B craft that I found on Kid Zone. When I got home he was trying to say boat and would go point at his art if you asked him where the boat was! PROGRESS!!!
We also taped a piece of blue construction paper on the coffee table and work on color sorting too.
Then we decided we should make some jello play dough. They aren't lying this is the best play dough recipe EVER! We were having a really good time with this, using little balsam wood dowels I found at Michael's to hone our fine motor skills with beading froot loops. I went to the kitchen to find something to store the play dough in and when I came back from the kitchen all of it was gone and Mudflap was licking his lips....sometimes the dog creates the hard place.
Wednesday: Nicole and Evin worked more on color sorting and snacking on yummy B snacks like bread and butter, berries, and bananas.
We rounded out Wednesday night with blowing bubbles in a blue bubble bath...phew! What a beautiful day!
Thursday: We painted with bubbles. We made our own bubble stuff which was a bit of a bust. Pretty sure it's because I can't follow directions. My cornstarch just keeps settling to the bottom.
The recipe is:
12 cups water
1cup cornstarch
1 cup dish soap
2 Tbsp Baking powder
You're supposed to mix it all together in the bowl slowly and I poured it all in to a gallon milk jug, made stirring slowly a bit of a challenge. I'll let you know if I get it right.
It did produce bubbles though and for the most part painting with them even worked!
We also visited a really cool site A to Z animals! It's got some great facts and we looked at pictures and practiced saying the names of all the animals too! I made an ABC book while I worked at Roos-N-More and you can see it here! If you'd like a copy just comment below with your contact information and I'll make sure to get you a copy!
We also visited a really cool site A to Z animals! It's got some great facts and we looked at pictures and practiced saying the names of all the animals too! I made an ABC book while I worked at Roos-N-More and you can see it here! If you'd like a copy just comment below with your contact information and I'll make sure to get you a copy!
We spent the rest of the night between a dog and a hard place.....its life!
Karl and Nicole were in charge. Karl made a bouncy ball for Evin...."nailed it!" It held its shape for a few seconds, then Evin threw it around for about 2 seconds then ripped it in to pieces. Check out The Idea Room to learn how to do it right or I included a condensed printable page below! 
Nicole and him made a bat which he used to chase the dogs and then promptly destroyed! How fun!
When I got home we took another bath and played the B game, what do you see that starts with B?
Last but not least we rounded the evening out with a bubble stomp!
At the end of B week Evin can say and identify: boat, bat, bowl, ball, bubble, bee, B, blue. SUCCESS!!!!! We're still working on our color sorting skills but we're getting there!
Other fun sites, PDF's, and links:
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